



An epic theatrical work
by Jeannene Bragg and Brian Freeland

hung + burned


hung + burned is an unproduced performance work by Jeannene Bragg & Brian Freeland exploring the tenants of power, gender, and politics. Loosely based on current and past political conditions, this work is designed for a large-scale spectacle-sized performance presentation.

hung + burned derives from The LIDA Project’s commissioned work Ludlow: 1914. This work abandons the Ludlow Massacre as the central plot device and expands the world to an imagined contemporary morality tale on power and the elite ruling class of America.

Development Timeline

The writing phase began in the Spring of 2017.

The first draft of the work was presented as a closed reading in the Summer of 2018 after which the show’s second act was revamped/reimagined.

The second and current working draft was completed in the Fall of 2020 with a virtual reading in the winter of 2021.

The work is currently in its workshop phase of development. Physical workshops are planned for New York and Denver in 2022.