Satire is traditionally the weapon of the powerless against the powerful. I only aim at the powerful. When satire is aimed at the powerless, it is not only cruel – it’s vulgar.
– Molly Ivins
Production History
October 25 – 28, 2012 : work | space :: Denver, CO
November 2 – 10, 2012 : The Aurora Fox :: Aurora, CO
November 15 – 30, 2013 : The Dairy Center :: Boulder, CO
Best Drama, True West Award Nomination
Best Actress in a Drama (Rhonda Brown), True West Award Nomination
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Play (Rhonda Brown), Henry Award Nomination
Best Political Theatre, Best of Westword 2013
Rhonda Brown: Molly Ivins
Rhea Amos: The Helper
Continued appreciation to the original production sponsors:
Presenting Sponsor: C. Richard and Marianne Reinisch Foundation | Sponsors: ACLU of Colorado, Brett Family Foundation, In memory of Joel Ehrlich, Caroline Lapp and Phil Barber, & John P. Oppenheim, PC, Attorney at Law | Beloveds: Bob Drake, Bruce & Jaren Ducker, Dr. Bob & Marilyn Fried, Paul & Jean Kottke, Elaine Selberg & Dan Recht, Jane & Stan Thalman, & Jan Temple